- I assume that you are using SQL Server and ODBC connection.
Create a stored procedure in your SQL server database as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertRecord]@tablename varchar(25) , @statement varchar(5000), @ReturnValue int OUTPUT
BEGIN execute(@statement);
if @@error<>0 begin return 0; end else begin SET @ReturnValue= IDENT_CURRENT(@tablename); return @ReturnValue; end
//The above sql code will create a storede procedure named "InsertRecord". This has two
//input parameters and one output parameter. The first parameter will
//accept the table name. Second parameter will accept the insert statement
//(I will explain about generating the insert statement) and the third paramete will
//return the next auto generated id. So make sure that, your target table name should
//have an auto generated field.Now, this much is enough in database.
//Letus go to c# code and write a function as follows:you should have the following lines of
//code in bigining:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Odbc;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Windows.Forms;
//In you class, declare a global bariable as follows:
NameValueCollection FieldValue=new NameValueCollection();
public void Add(string p_fieldName, string p_fieldValue, string p_dataType)
p_fieldValue = p_fieldValue.Replace("'", "''");
if (p_dataType == "I")
FieldValue.Add(p_fieldName, p_fieldValue);
if (p_dataType == "S" p_dataType == "D")
FieldValue.Add(p_fieldName,"'" +p_fieldValue +"'");
//Our next step is to prepare the sql statement from the values we have passed into
//FieldValue using Add function
private string PrepareInsertSQLStatement(string tablename)
string FieldNames = "INSERT INTO " + tablename +" (", FieldValues = "(";
for (int i = 0; i <= FieldValue.Count - 1; i++)
FieldNames += FieldValue.GetKey(i).ToString() +",";
FieldValues += (FieldValue.GetValues(FieldValue.Keys[i])[0]).ToString() + ",";
FieldNames = FieldNames.Remove(FieldNames.Length - 1);
FieldNames += ") VALUES";
FieldValues = FieldValues.Remove(FieldValues.Length - 1);
FieldValues += ")";
return FieldNames + FieldValues;
public int InsertRecordStatement(string tablename)
string strSQLStatement = PrepareInsertSQLStatement(tablename); OdbcCommand p_Command = new OdbcCommand("{ call InsertRecord (?, ?,?)}", mydatabaseConnectionObject);
p_Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
OdbcParameter prm = p_Command.Parameters.Add("@tablename", OdbcType.VarChar);
prm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
OdbcParameter prm1 = p_Command.Parameters.Add("@statement", OdbcType.VarChar); prm1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
prm1.Value = strSQLStatement;
OdbcParameter prm2 = p_Command.Parameters.Add("@ReturnValue", OdbcType.Int);
prm2.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
if (p_Command.Parameters[2].Value.ToString() != "")
return (int)p_Command.Parameters[2].Value;
return 0;
catch (OdbcException odbcexp)
return 0;
//we are through with the code!!.//In your window form, on click of a command button, create an instance of the class you have as follows:
DataBaseClass dbclass=new DataBaseClass();
//we will use the Add function to add the fields and value
//you can add as much as you want.
//Once you are through, call InsertStament function as follows:
int intReturnID=dbClass.InsertStatement("tablename");
//If the insert is successfull, then intReturnID will hold its auto generated value.
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